All beings pervade the same elements of nature, the Panchtatvas. The same five elements pervade all beings and nature (air, water, earth,…

What to expect when you travel from a place that never goes below 18-20 degree centigrade to temperatures from 0-2 degree centigrade?…

Clad in a white Khadi Kurta Pajama, a distinguished man with a long flowing beard was on indefinite fast on the bank…

Great news! The Majkhali village homestay mothers’ group, the Jagrati Swayam Sahayta Group, has won the ICIMOD Mountain Prize 2020. (www.icimod.org/mountainprize) This…

Nanda Devi is loosely based on the traditional Japanese Tanka structure of 5/7/5/7/7 syllables per verse. It was first published in the…

Nature-centred mindfulness is a great way to start meditation practice for a beginner, and also a beautiful practice for more experienced mindfulness…

How did river Ganga come to be? Mythology says that there was a noble King who requested that Ganga descend from heaven…

Transcript: ON ETHICS You can listen here: Link to simple landing page: here https://share.transistor.fm/s/eac9ae9c John and Ajay Rastogi at Majkhali Village, Uttarakhand,…

You can listen to the English podcast here: https://share.transistor.fm/s/fac9e81d</a> And you can download the English podcast as a mp3 file here:…

Raj Zutshi, the prominent actor who has appeared in over 120 Bollywood films like Just take it easy or Lagaan visited the…