This ‘haibun’ poem, Sentinels, was published recently in INNSAEI journal in its December 2020 issue. It’s about the hills; the magical appearance…

Nature-centred mindfulness is a great way to start meditation practice for a beginner, and also a beautiful practice for more experienced mindfulness…

You can listen to the English podcast here: https://share.transistor.fm/s/fac9e81d</a> And you can download the English podcast as a mp3 file here:…

Embeddable player for websites and blogs: <iframe src=’https://share.transistor.fm/e/39486f1f’ width=’100%’ height=’180′ frameborder=’0′ scrolling=’no’ seamless=’true’ style=’width:100%; height:180px;’></iframe> Listen to the podcast here on a…

Listen to podcast at direct link here: https://share.transistor.fm/s/51f13fa5 Download mp3 here: https://media.transistor.fm/577721ec.mp3 SOUND: SWEDEN GARDEN SUMMER Tanya: Welcome to Nordic By Nature,…
Christoph Eberhard, Martial Arts practitioner came again to the Vrikshalaya Centre from France to hold a Qi Gong Retreat from the 20th…