All beings pervade the same elements of nature, the Panchtatvas. The same five elements pervade all beings and nature (air, water, earth,…

Clad in a white Khadi Kurta Pajama, a distinguished man with a long flowing beard was on indefinite fast on the bank…

45 years ago, in 1970’s, there was a non-violent grassroots protest movement aimed at the protection and conservation of biodiversity of trees…

How did river Ganga come to be? Mythology says that there was a noble King who requested that Ganga descend from heaven…

Here is a text that Lakshmi wrote about her last visit to the Foundation for the Contemplation of Nature’s Headquarters, the Vrikshalaya…

This week Ajay Rastogi, founder of the Foundation for the Contemplation of nature, is off to work on a biocultural heritage exchange…