Christoph Eberhard. ON INNER RESILIENCE.

Christoph Eberhard, Martial Arts practitioner came again to the Vrikshalaya Centre from France to hold a Qi Gong Retreat from the 20th to 26th of May, 2019.

It was a special time.

Tai Chi with Christoph Eberhardt

Christoph Eberhard is a bilingual Austrian living in France; a specialist in the anthropology of law and author of the book Human Rights and Intercultural dialogue. He is also a Tai Chi and Qi Gong Teacher. He says he is on a journey of peace, and that means dialogue: dialogue with oneself, with others, with our environment and the greater beyond. His motto is “Life is not a void to be filled. It is a world of abundance, or “plenitude,” waiting to be discovered.”

Christoph appears on our third podcast ON INNER RESILIENCE. We hope you enjoy listening.

In this episode, we hear four voices share their personal views on how they maintain inner equilibrium. Firstly, we learn about nature-centred mindfulness practice from Ajay Rastogi, co-founder of the Foundation for the Contemplation of Nature in the Himalayan village of Majkhali in Uttarakhand, India.

Then you will hear Egyptian conservationist Noor A Noor, who describes his own personal path into mindfulness – through his experiences of the 2011 Egyptian Uprising.

Then Judith Schleicher explains how daily meditation has helped her with her conservation work, ever since she attended a 10-day Vipassana retreat in Peru 7 years ago.

Lastly you hear from Christoph.

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